Friday, January 28, 2011

Five Questions for Friday--You Finally Get a New Post

Oh geesh, it's been nearly a week since I posted. Dang. Sorry. I need to post but my mind is gone so luckily My Little Life has provided with Five Question Friday. So to ease my mind and for your reading enjoyment, here's today's questions. Go over to My Little Life and see some more.

1. If you had $1000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose? Hmmm, that's a toughie. I can say that whatever it would be would be a local charity with no national ties (too much overhead and not as much going to the me, I've worked for 2 non-profits, I know how these things work). And while I love the arts more 'n my luggage, the arts are the "politically correct" and least offensive place for the high profile local wealthies to give their money (they won't have to hang with homeless or special needs people/children). So the arts are pretty well taken care of. I would probably give it to Iron Gate, the homeless kitchen in the basement of Trinity Episcopal Church. I've seen it in action, I've walked through the homeless people waiting on the steps of the church many, many Sundays on my way to service. Let me tell you $1000 would make a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And let me also tell you, there are many, many children who are guests at Iron Gate. A hungry homeless child breaks my heart--it's not their fault.

2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in the butt? Welcome them! I love any opportunity I have to have all three of my kiddos at home with me! I'm a terrible mom who won't go out in the snow because I'm a wuss when it comes to cold, but I love snow days snuggled up with my kids! And I'm not afraid to drive in snow, either. Sledding and snowman building are left to WM, though.

3. What talent do you wish you had and why? I wish I could sew. I love unique and different clothing for myself and my kids and it's hard to find things that don't look like what everyone else has. So I wish I could sew my own creations. I can visualize outfits and styles, I just wish I could create them. I also wish I could knit.

4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie? Um, yes (well, not politics...can't stand politics)! I have a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism/mass communications. I spent every day of my college career reading a newspaper or watching news reports (and often creating those reports/news articles). I love the news! I'm one of the few who read the newspaper everyday, and watch the news casts every night (and usually at noon, 5 and 6pm) And I'm not a celebrity gossip junkie per se, I just like to see how absurdly most of them are acting and what the ones that I like are wearing.

5. What is your favorite "cocktail" (are you a beer person, a kiddie cocktail junkie, or perhaps a "cosmo" type? Anything flies...doesn't hafta be alcoholic). Alcoholic--pina colada. Non alcoholic--Starbucks decaf mocha or water (I'm serious). Thankyouverymuch.

There you have it.

Name That Tune!
Ok--the last song was Fire Woman by The Cult. Seriously, none of you ever heard of that?

Here's the score:

Since NTT doesn't seem to be that popular, I'm thinking we'll call it good. We'll say Korinne is the January winner (because Impulsive said she doesn't think it's fair to win two months in a row). So unless you all are REALLY wanting me to continue with NTT (and you gotta let me know if you do) then, I think this'll be it.


Anonymous said...

I also wish I could sew...but I'm sure that will never pan out for me! LOL

ThatsBaloney said...

I learned how to sew (basic stuff) but my machine is broken. Maybe someday we can do a sewing class together? That would be fun.
My mom can teach you to knit. She would LOVE that.

Mamarazzi said...

i love to sew but i do wish i knew how to do it better. i also love water, no one ever believes me, but i really do, so i get that.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I second the motion on the $1000 for feeding homeless people.

Anonymous said...

Oh geez I won! That Impulsive is so nice.

I want to sew too. And quilt. No one does that anymore. And I'm with you on making daddy take the kids out. Cold wet feet are not for me.