Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Would You Rather Do? Wednesday

I'm thinking of taking a little hiatus for What Would You Rather Do? Wendesday. It really won't hurt my feelings if you don't want me to do these anymore. I would just like to know.

So here's today's What Would You Rather Do?

Continue What Would You Rather Do? Wednesday


Have me find find something else to blog about on Wednesdays.

Now, I really need you people to let me otherwords...leave a comment. You know I'm a people pleaser (it's because I'm a middle child...we care more about others than ourselves). So let me know what YOU want.


TINAinTULSA said...

I like WWYD Wednesdays, Alyssa - they're engaging.

And, I also like your new design... though you need to bring back pink for spring. Seasonal changes, perhaps?

Alyssa: said...

Tina--pink is definitely on the agenda for spring! You know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pink!

Anonymous said...

I'm faithful to WWYD. But I want what you want.

ThatsBaloney said...

I think it depends on how much you enjoy the responses?!
I like it!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I just as soon that you continue. Whatever you do don't stop blogging.

Kathleen said...

They could be seasonal as well, take a break and bring em back after the frost melts. :-) I agree, just keep blogging!