So, what would you rather do?
Travel by car for many hours with small children (dealing with the "I need to go potty" and "are we there yet", fighting between the kiddos, etc.)
Travel by plane for a few hours with small children (dealing with getting everything checked, worrying about your kids kicking the seat in front of them, disturbing other passengers, etc.)
Isn't traveling with kids fun?
As for last week's question...that's tough, I used to not like pie, but now I think I'll have to go with yummy cherry pie! Yum, yum, I make a mean cherry pie. Unless it's chocolate sheet cake...I have a weakness for that.
I do not like to fly...I am gonna go with the road trip...
I remember taking long trips when my kids were much younger someone always got car sick...but still I am not a fan of flying LOL
Here is what we do. Sweetie takes the car and the kid drives the hours and days to the destination and picks me up at the airport since I flew. Works great for me.
I guess it works for her. I've never asked.
We have a similar system to Yogi.
I'll pick flying if there aren't too many stops along the way. I don't like airport hopping.
Yogi is just plain wrong! :o} But I would do that if I could get away with it.
We drove 10 hours yesterday and made 6 stops. B puked in a McDonalds sack which then leaked all over my make up case (now called expensive trash), spilled a bottle of Gatorade, tipped over a box of Trix, and right at the end he finally fell asleep only to wet himself. Ahh lovely day. I pick flying!
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