Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What Would You Rather Do? Wednesday-Woof, Meow

I know there are Cat People out there and there are Dog People out there. So let's do an easy one today...

Would You Rather...

Have a cat for a pet


Have a dog for a pet

Let me know what you'd like for a pet...and while you're at it, tell me a little bit about your furry family member, I like to hear about others' pets. I'll let you know mine next week....



Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a dog person. I've have both. But the best pet I've ever had was a gorgous GErman Sheperd named Nakita. She was black and white with cleopatra marks on her face. She lived 18 years! I put her down when I was 19 and haven't been able to get a dog since because they wouldn't compare. But with little ones I know they need that joy too so Santa plans on bringing them a chocolate lab this year. Wonderful question! Its a good fuzzy feeling thinking about our furry family members.

Dawn said...

Definitely a dog person. I really can't stand cats. They gross me out because they walk on the countertops and tables. Ewww!

We don't have any pets right now. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my 3 year old. Ha!

Mrs. Howell said...

We actually have both. . .1 cat which is really my "step-child" and I treat him as such! HA! :) Seriously, he is not that bad except for the fact that he only meows between the hours of 1am and 4am. And 2 dogs. . .one is "ours" that we got when I thought I would never have a baby (surprise, got preggers the next month!). He is scared of storms and barks at EVERYTHING. The other is my "dog-sister" that we inherited when my mom got really sick last summer and could not take care of her. She is 15 and a complete pain the you-know-what. My mom totally spoiled her (table food, sleeping on the bed, going to the bathroom in the garage if it was raining or snowing out -- SO GROSS!), so I think coming to live with my family has been a quite an experience. . .FOR ALL OF US!
Truth be told, at this point, I am not sure if I am a dog person or a cat person. I would really like to be a pet-free household until my kids are a a little older but too late for that. . .they're family. . .CRAZY LIKE THE REST OF US! :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'm primarily a cat person but I like dogs also.