Thursday, December 9, 2010

Only In Oklahoma #3--Headless Husbands

It's been awhile since I've done an OIO, not that my fellow Okie's haven't provided me with lots of opportunities, I've just been lazy in posting one. Until today.

I snapped this pic in the drive thru lane at Starbucks several days ago. Because apparently here in Oklahoma, if we're having marital problems or have gotten divorced or have had an argument with our significant other, instead of just removing our spouse from the Stick Figure Family line up, we just cut his head off.

I'm wondering if that weirdo skull looking thing is said husband.

Keep it classy Oklahoma!


jennykate77 said...

That's hilarious.

I think we go to the same Starbucks. I'm a frequent flyer and I think I recognize the small piece of the building across the street.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

They are not divorced. She just keeps her husbands head in her purse so he doesn't lose it.

Impulsive Addict said... could have told me you were doing a post about me! Gah! Heads up next time. Ha..get it? Heads up?? It's late. I'm sorry.

I'm SO PROUD to be from Oklahoma.

Dawn said...

hahaha!! too funny.

I may have to do this kind of post too. I'm going to be on the lookout now.