Friday, December 10, 2010

Random Thoughts

Lucky you! You get to read the rambling thoughts that are in my mind. We have officially hit over-the-top-crazy-time-of-the-year. I have that constant feeling of "what have I forgotten." Ugh. So here's just a bulleted list of randomness.
  • Josie is full fledged potty training. And so far we're doing great. Except today when she crawled in our closet and used one of WM's shoes for a potty. She did remarkably well getting all her pee pee directly in his shoe. It was actually kind of funny.
  • Josie has also hit a really bad streak of being super naughty. I'm oh so frustrated with her.
  • Yesterday was Christmas program #1...of 5. Yes, five.
  • Remind me to not sign up to bring 3 dozen cookies to every event, homeless shelter, Christian ministry, etc. I'm a little overwhelmed with the amount of cookies I've been baking lately.
  • My husband did buy me a pair of boots I was really wanting. Just because. Not for Christmas. But just because. 'Cuz he luuuuuuvs me. (Can we get an "awwwww").
  • Now I'm working on him to buy me this pair of cool cowboy boots I want. Yes, you read that right. COWBOY boots. Lordy, I think I've been in Oklahoma too long.
  • The above referenced husband was very sweet and hung our Christmas lights all by himself. Swing on by to see the Griswolds. (I still love him).
  • So I hear the stomach bug is going around my kids' school. That would be a great thing to hit right about now. NOT!
  • My Katie (7 years old) asked me the other day what a 'round yon virgin' was. I told her to go to sleep.
  • I ordered my Christmas cards today--to be delivered Dec. 22. That gives me one day to turn those suckers around. You'll probably get your Christmas card after Christmas. Sorry.
  • I do love this time of the year.
  • OH! Big news. I'm done Christmas shopping! I know that doesn't sound like a big deal. But I never, ever, ever, ever, ever even start shopping until about now. So this is huge!

Um, okay. I'm boring you.

But I love ya!


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous that you're done shopping! As good as I am at spending money, I'm still in there last minute.

LOOOOVE that Katie asked you what a round yon virgin was...hey, that's a valid question! Smart kid!!

Happy early Holidays Doll!

Impulsive Addict said...

Josie makes for a good entertaining blog post!

I'm giving you an AWWWWW. My hubby NEVER EVER brings me a gift just becuase and for my birthday, Christmas, V-day, Mother's day, he shops the day of OR IF I'M LUCKY, the day BEFORE the event. No joke. But I still love him.

Good job on the Christmas cards! Hope they are all local! LOL!

Dawn said...

LOLOL! I love that she peed in a shoe. That's hilarious.

I like your bulleted list.

I'm not even close to being finished my Christmas shopping, I hope to knock out a big chunk tomorrow and Thursday.

I'm wanting cowboy boots too. I can't wait to see which ones you get. You're so fashionable. I'm so not. Ha!

I haven't gotten my Christmas cards back yet. I hope they will be here tomorrow or Wednesday.

Have you noticed a decline in the amount of cards you're receiving this year? I've gotten SIX cards. SIX. Have I pissed some people off or are people cutting back?!? lol